What IS Normal Wear and Tear If you enter the words “normal wear and tear in rental housing” into a search function in the computer, you will be amazed to find hundreds of articles or references on this subject. Many of them are tenants who dispute that the property o...
Looking Toward the New Year
As another year ends, many people take time to reflect on the past year. Generally, this leads to setting goals and making New Year's Resolutions. Our company is busy reviewing 2016 and planning on how we can improve our property management services ...
Your Property Green?
Green" is now the popular thing to do to help save the planet and make it
more productive for everyone. It might surprise you that it could also help
improve the bottom line of your investment property as well. By improving or
adding a...
While residents want to rent a nice looking home, they often have no interest, time, or knowledge on how to maintain the property. They may agree to landscape maintenance in the rental contract but it can be difficult for a property manager or owner to enforce. The owner can char...